
Register          Lovelock 2006



Aerosole / Aerosolnebel 86f., 93, 171f., 185,187f.

Aflatoxin 17  3

Agrarindustrie 157, 160, 174

Algen 41,43,47f.,52ff,56,70, 79,84,93f.,170f., 185,231, 239

Altruismus 33,35

Amazonien 66f., 79

Arnes, Bruce 173

Amine 163 f.

Ammoniak 34f.    Ammoniumhydroxid 163    Ammoniumnitrat 163f.

Amsterdam, Erklärung von 15, 43f.,235

Andreae, M.O. 41,86

Antarktis 49,52,72,79,83,88, 94,222

Apoptose 179

Äquator 42, 118f.

Arktis  18, 49, 80, 83ff., 94

Atlantik 25,54,79,84,89, 92, 168,170

Atmosphäre  26, 36-39, 44, 47, 52ff,57,63,71,77,79,82, 86-91,94,101,112f.,118f., 139, 143,171,175,185,187,189, 218, 232, 234   

Atmosphärengase 36  

Atomausstiegsbehörde 150   Atombombe 136f., 141ff., 147f., 150  Atomkraft / -energie 23ff., 27, 99,101,103,114,118,123f, 128f., 133-138,141,144ff., 149-152,176,181,200,204,219  Atomkrieg s. Atombombe      Atommüll 133   Atomwaffen s. Atombombe

Awerbuch, Shimon 187



Ballard, Geoffrey 115

Berner, Robert 37

Betts, Richard 50, 56, 79

Bevölkerungswachstum 201,203

Biodiversität 12, 43, 67£, 158f, 236

Bio-Lebensmittel 174, 192

Biosphäre 29f., 40, 72,133,176, 194,23 lf., 235,237

Biotreibstoffe 126,160,216

Blake, William 20

Bloh, Werner von 72

Bolin, Bert 14

Botulinustoxine 174

Boyle, Godfrey 118

Brennstoffzellen 109, 114ff.

Bridgman, H. A. 170

British Antarctic Survey 50

Broecker, Wally 84

Brundtland, Gro Harlem 116

Bukyko, M.I. 56,187



Calder Hall (Atomkraftwerk)  138

Caldicott, Helen 141

Caldiera, Ken 72,184,186

Cambridge University 89,183

Capsase 179

Carson, Rachel 155ff., 161, 166, 169

Cäsium 139

Centre for Alternative Technology 128

Chaos / Chaostheorie 75,232

Charlson, Robert 41

Chlor 236

Chlorfluorkohlenstoff (CFK) 39,91,155

Chlorophyll 94, 199

Clathrate  57, 89, 218

Connor, Steve 80

Cox, Peter 50, 79, 86f.

Crane, Robert 52

Crichton, Michael 11, 75f.

Culham Science Centre 13Off. 

Curie, Marie 136



»Daisyworld« 41 f., 52, 60

Dänischer Industrieverband 123

Darwin, Charles 35, 40, 42f., 58, 136,199,212,232

Dawkins, Richard 40,197

DDT 156f., 162

Denton, Sir Eric 168

Descartes, Rene 19

Desoxyribonukleinsäure (DNS)  236

Detritivoren 63

Deuterium 99,131

Dickinson, Robert E. 188

Diethylnitrosamin 164

Dimethylsulfid (DMS) 41,52, 170, 185, 231

Dimethylsulfonpropionat (DMSP)  51



ECD (electron capture detector)  157

Egoistisches Gen 35, 46

Ehrlich, Paul u. Anne 117, 236

Einstein, Albert 19,136,199

Eis-Albedo 56

Eisen 236

Eiszeit 18,51f.,66-72,81f,86, 88f£, 96, s. a. Zwischeneiszeit

Elderfield, Harry 89f, 183

Elektrizität 102-106,108-111, 114f., 121f, 127,129,168,171, 219

Emergenz 58,61,197

Enthalpie 118

Entität 44,58,176,199,235

Entropie 235,237

Eozän  18,89fr., 175

Erdgas 27,103,109-112,114, 122f., 135,149,185,193

Erdöl 27,106-111,114,122, 135,150,185,193,231

Erdwärme 102

Erneuerbare Energien 11, 23 f., 27,100,102,107£, 116ff., 123-126,145,149,160,192,216, 218,233f.

Eukaryonten 65

Evolution 33,40-43,46,58,65, 68,172,178f., 182,194f., 199, 205,207,212,232

Extremophile 47



Faraday, Michael 13 6

Fells, Ian 124

Feynman, Richard 61

Foley, Jonathan 176

Fossile Energieträger / Brennstoffe 14,25f.,87,89,101f., 106ff., 110f., 116,125,127,134,151f., 187,189,201,204,215,218, 223,233

Fossilien 63,65

Foster, Norman 191

Fotoelektrik 128

Fotosynthese 63, 70,107, 127, 165,231

Fusionsenergie 24


Gaia 29-33,35,38,40,43^7, 49, 51f.,59,61,64f.,68f.,71, 73f., 82, 84,86,91,93,96,100f., 107f, 124,126f, 133f., 139,154, 158,162,166,174f., 178,188, 190-202, 204f., 207, 209-212, 215f, 218-221,232,234, 237fr.

Gaia-Hypothese 15,40,234 

Gaia-Konzept 10,32,41 

Gaia-Theorie 36, 38,42,44, 58, 90,98,199,234f. 

Gandhi, Mahatma 203 

Gas s. Erdgas 

Genozid 21,200 

Geosphäre 235 

Geosystemwissenschaft 44, 234f.,237 

Geothermik 102 

Gezeitenkraftwerke 27,101, 124f. 

Glaser, Gisbert 11 

Gletscher s. Vergletscherung 

Globale Erwärmung 9,11,13, 18,20f.,24,26,85f.,92,111, 113,116,119,172,177,183f, 187,216f. 

»Globales Dimmen« 171 

Glynn, Jerry 206 

Goddard Institute of Space Studies 14 

Golding, William 40, 209 

Goldsmith, Edward 203f. 

Goldsmith, Zac 204 

Golfstrom 84f. 

Gore, AI 14 

Gram, Niels 123 

Granit 151 

Gray, John 17 

Gray, Theodore 206 

Greenpeace 175 

Gregory, Jonathon 54, 78f. 

Gribbins.John 14 

Grönland / -eis 54, 66, 72, 79, 82ff,88,222



Hadden, Christine u. Peter 215 

Hadley Centre 50,78f., 119 

Hadley, George 119 

Hadley-Zellen 85, 119f.  

Hamilton, William 43 

Hansen, Jim 13f., 97 

Harding, Stephan 42, 221 

Harnstoff 33-36

Helium 70, 101, 13 Off. 

Henderson-Sellers, Ann 78 

Herbizide s. Pestizide

Hildegard von Bingen 213 

Hiroshima 137, 139,142£, 148 

Hochtemperaturreaktoren 114

Hodkinson, Henry M. 202 

Hodson, Daniel 92 

Homöostase 40

Homöotherme 48 

Horton, Jane u. Peter 220

Houghton, Sir John 76 

Humboldt, Alexander von 19

Hurrikane 48,97,120 

Hutchinson, G. E. 39

Huxley, Andrew F. 232 

Hybridfahrzeuge 116

Hydrosphäre 232



Ibsen, Henrik 167

Industrialisierung / Industriezeitalter 20,81,167

Insektizide s. Pestizide

Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) 14, 20, 32, 54, 76, 78, 80f., 83,91, 96f., 113,176,215, 220

International Council for Science 11

International Geosphere

Biosphere Program (IGBP) 11 

Isaac Newton Institute 183 

Isotope 129, 131£, 139, 146



Jangtse-Staudamm 125, 145 

Jantsch, Erich 120 

Jet Propulsion Laboratory 209 

Jod 52,146f.,236



Kalium 163,236 

Kaliumphosphat 163 

Kalzium 236

Kalziumbikarbonat 186,239 

Kalziumsilikat 57,90 

Karbon 36f. 

Karzinogene 173, 181 

Kasting,James 52,72 

Kernfusion 128-133, 151f., 189f.,218f. 

Kernkraft / -energie s. Atomkraft / -energie 

Kernspaltung 128f, 133f., 138, 145,219 

Kernwaffen s. Atombombe 

King, Sir David 15, 20 

Klimakatastrophe 22,234 

Klimawandel 12, 18, 26£, 43, 75, 85,88,91f.,96,110,144,176, 183,188,201,223 

Kobalt 236 

Kohle 27,37,106,108-114,122, 135,149ff, 168f£, 181 

Kohlendioxid 10, 16, 24£, 34f£, 39,51,53£,56f,63£,69-72, 75, 77, 79,82f.,85£,88ff.,93£,97, 107,109-112,134£,151£,  184ff., 188,205,218,223,231, 233,238f. 

Kohlenstoff 16, 37f., 57, 89, 99ff., 106f, 111,126,135,150, 175,190,205,207,209,218,235 

Kohlenwasserstoffe 163 

Kokarzinogene 173 

Kolumbus, Christopher 78 

Komplexitätstheorie 45 

Kopernikus, Nikolaus 43

Krakatau 222

Kreatinin 33

Krebs 24, 143f., 147ff., 162,164, 166,173,176ff., 180f.,203

Kreidezeit 37f.

Kump, Lee 52 

Kunstdünger 163ff., 174 

Kyoto-Protokoll / Abkommen von K. 22, 

Ulf., 123,132



Lackner, Klaus 186 

Lagrange-Punkt 184 Laki 222 

Lamb, Hubert 13 

Landwirtschaft 10,49,72,89,91, 93,97,100,117,121,134,154, 158,160,163,165,170,174, 176,188ff. 

Lathamjohn 184,217

Laughton, Michael 106 

Lavoisier, Antoine de 136 

Lawrence Livermore Laboratory 184

Leck, Caroline 171

LelieveldJ. 112 

Lenton,Tim 36,43,52,69,72

Lijinski.W. 163

Lindzen, Richard 20

Liss, Peter 52,185

Lithium 132

Llewellyn Smith, Sir Christopher 130 

Lomborg, Björn 20 

Londer, Randy 14 

Lorenz, Edward 233

Lotka, Alfred 45,232

Lovins, Amory 116

Luftverschmutzung 89



Mabey, Richard 160 

Magnesium 236 

Magnesiumkarbonat 151, 186 

Mann, Michael 80 

Margulis, Lynn 40, 194, 234

Mars 10,39,210

Marshall, Lord 171 

Mason, Sir John 168

Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie 112

Maxwell, James Clerk 60,136

May, Lord Robert 15,175,233 

Maynard Smith, John 43 

McGuffie, Kendali 78

Meehl, G. A. 92

Meeresspiegel 23, 27, 51, 69f., 73, 78, 82ff, 86, 92,97,206, 219, 222

Metabolismus 100, 126,189

Meteoriteneinschläge 64

Methan 10, 38f., 56f., 64, 75, 85, 88-91,94, lllff., 115,188, 217ff.,238  

Methanogene 63  

Methansulfonsäure 170

Methyliodid 41 

Michaels, Patrick 20f.

Midgley, Mary 18, 60

Millay, Edna St. Vincent 73 

Mitochondrien 178

Monokultur 25,153,158

Moore, Patrick 175 

Müller, Paul Hermann 156

Mutter Theresa 11

Myers, Norman 175



Nachhaltigkeit 11 f., 17,23, 116f., 192,201,216

Naess,Arne 203

Nagasaki 137, 142 

Nahrungsmittelproduktion 100, 160, 163

Napoleon I. 214


National Center for Atmospheric Research 14,184,228

National Health Service 147

National Institute for Medical Research 146

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 97

Natrium 163,236

Natürliche Auslese 30, 35, 40, 42f.,46,51

Newton, Sir Isaac 19, 43, 198f.

Nitrate 162-166   Nitrite 163f.   Nitrosamine 163f.

Nuclear Dicommissioning Authority(NDA) 186

Nuklearenergie s. Atomenergie

Nuklearwaffen s. Atombombe

Nuttalljeff 138

Nuttall, W.J. 133,137f.



Oberflächentemperatur (der Ozeane) 30,118

Odum, Eugene 44

Ökosysteme 25,42,44ff., 50, 52ff.,56,66,68,72,87f.,93,100, 158,165,176,188f., 199,201, 207,216,236

Öl s.Erdöl

Ozonloch 13,188,223



Paracelsus, Philippus Aureolus 140,174

Patterson, Walt 133

Paul-Scherrer-Institut 149 

Pazifik 54,79 

Pearce, Fred 14,167,188

Peck, Lloyd 50

Perkin, Sir William 136

Pestizide 155-158,161,169, 174,176

Phosphor 52,163,236

Pinatubo 187,222

Plattentektonik 99, 107 

Pleistozän 66,71

Plutonium 129, 139, 150

Plymouth Marine Laboratory 185

Poikilotherme 48

Populationsbiologie 45

Porritt, Jonathon 124, 200 

Präkambrium 38

Primavesis, Anne 11

Propan 115

Proterozoikum 65



Radioaktivität 99, 102, 107, 131-135,139ff., 145f., 180

Ramanathan, V. 86

Rauchgasentschwefelung 169 

Reading University 79, 92

Reduktionismus 32,194

Rees, Sir Martin 211

Regenwald, tropischer s. Tropenwald

Rocky Mountain Institute 116 

Rodhe, Henning 171

Rogers, Richard 191 

Roosevelt, Franklin D. 144

Rothschild, Lord Victor 157 

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 19, 161 

Royal Society of Engineers 123

Royal Society 119,157,169,211

Rückkopplung, positive und negative 18,46, 54-57, 60, 93, 237

Ruskin,John 19



Sacharow, Andrei 142

Sagan, Dorion 194

Sauerstoff 24,36-39,47,52,63, 65, 88, 94,99ff., 107,114,126, 129f, 143,150,163,165,178-181,209,218,231,235

Saurer Regen 87,167-172

Savannah River (Nuklearwaffenfabrik) 133f.

Schneider, Stephen 13f., 76, 117

Schwarze Löcher 99

Schwefel 52,87,169-172,187, 190,236

Schwefeldioxid 187

Schwefelsäure 170, 187

Selbstregulierung 40^1-3,46, 58ff.,90,198,210,234f.,239

Selen 52,236

Sequestration 109f., 15 2, 185, 190,218

Serpentin 186

Shakespeare, William 19,177

Shepherd,John 183

Shoard, Miriam 160

Shortt, Rupert 196

Shute.Nevil 141 

Silizium 127f.

Society of Chemical Industry 111,113

Sokrates 19

Solarenergie s. Sonnenenergie

Solarzellen 127f.

Sonne 24,40ff.,48, 53f., 63, 65, 68-71,73,82,84,90,96,102, 118,127,129ff, 184,238

Sonnenenergie 70, 86, 94, 101f., 127f., 190

Sonnenlicht /-wärme 22,30,38, 41f., 48, 56, 71, 86,94,101, 127f., 172,176,184f,209,217, 231,238

Sonnenschirme im Weltall 86,184,217

Sonnensystem 31, 38, 65, 68, 99, 226

Southampton University 183

Stickoxide 91

Stickstoff 24,33-39,88,163, 190,235

Stratosphäre 119, 139, 184, 187f.

Stratuswolken, künstliche 184f. Strontium 139

Strychnin 174

Sueß, Eduard 231

Suttan, Rowan 92 

Svensen, Henrik 89

Synthetische Nahrung 189f., 201

Systemwissenschaft 32



Tamboura 222 

Taverne, Dick 200 

Teller, Edward 142 

Terrorismus 20f. 

Thatcher, Margaret 14

Thermodynamik 99,108,114, 233,237f. 

Thermosphäre 29 

Thomas, Andrew 37 

Thoreau, Henry David 19 

Thorium 99,129,151 

Three Mile Island (Atomkraftwerk) 142 

Tickell, Sir Crispin 14, 212 

Tiefenökologie 203f., 221

Tokomak-Reaktor 130

Treibhauseffekt 13, 63f., 69, 87, 93,112,187,238  

Treibhausgase 18,22,57,64,72, 86f,91,93, 112,116,158,184

Tritium 131£, 140

Tropen 49, 69f., 90, 118ff., 188, 203,222

Tropenwald 18, 50, 56, 66f., 79, 134,206,236f.

Tropopause 119  Troposphäre 119 

Truman, Harry S. 136

Tschernobyl (Atomkraftwerk) 133, 139,144f., 147ff.

Tsunamis 9, 145

Turley, Carol 185

Turner, Sue 170


Überbevölkerung 17 

UK Meteorological Office 76

Umweltbewegung 193,200  

Umweltschutz 12,138,155,161, 164£, 193,199f. 

Umweltverschmutzung 10,54, 88,167£, 175,181,187,193, 201,238 

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 14 

United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) 148 

University of East Anglia 170, 185 Uran 99,101, 129, 135, 150f. 

Urknall 99



Venus 10,210 

Vergletscherung 18,51, 66, 69, 71, 79, 82, 87f., 97, 222 

Verwitterung 238f. 

Volterra, Vito 45 

Vulkane / Vulkanausbrüche   22,64,89,186f., 222



Wagner, Richard 9, 209

Warren, Steven 41

Wasserkraft 85, 125, 149f.

Wasserstoff 65, 70, 88, 99, 101, 109, lll,114ff., 121,129ff., 139, 142,163,236

Watson, Andrew 36f., 52

Watts, James 59f.

Weinberg, Robert 180

Wellenkraftwerke s. Gezeitenkraftwerke Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) 147

Wernadski, W. 232

Whitfield, Michael 71

Wigley, Tom 92

Williams, George 33

Williams, Rowan 196

Wilson, Edward O. 13,175

Windkraft/-energie 20,85,101, 117f., 120-123,152,200,215f.

Windparks  27,101,103,121, 154, 160

Windscale (Atomkraftwerk) 146

Wood, Lowell  184

Wordsworth, William 19

World Meteorological Organization (WMO) 14

Wu, Kangsheng  85

Wüsten 30f.,65,79,90,94,96f., 119,128



Zwischeneiszeit 18, 51,66f., 72, 89

Zyanid 174

Zyklone 120


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