Literatur (Taylor-1975)
Die folgende Aufstellung enthält die wichtigsten der vom Autor verwendeten Bücher.
Als Quellen dienten ferner zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen in Zeitungen und Zeitschriften.
Die englische Originalausgabe bringt einen genauen Zitatnachweis, der für die deutsche Ausgabe entfiel, da er sich fast ausschließlich auf englisch-sprachige Bücher und Blätter bezieht.
(Die Redaktion.)
Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I. Liebe und Haß. Piper, München 1971
Eleftheriou, B. E./Scol-r, J. P. (Hrsg.) The Physiology of Aggression and Defea Plenum Press, New York 1971
Ellul, Jacques Violence: reflections from a Christian perspective.SCM. Press, London '' 1970
Endleman, S. (Hrsg.) Violence in the Streets. Quadrangle Books, Chicago 1968
Finley, M. I. The Ancient Economy. Chatto & Windus, London 1974
Fowler, Norman The Cost of Crime (CPC 521). Conservative Political Centre, London 1973
Galbraith, J. American Capitalism: the concept of countervailing power. Houghton MUflin, Boston 1952
Garaudy, R. L'Alternative. Laffont, Paris 1972
Geddes, T, e./long, J. 0. Killer: a Journal of murder. Maemillan, London und New York 1970
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Gordon, theodore H. «Sorne Crises which will determine the Worid of 1944». AAAS Symposium, San Francisco 1974
Halleck, S. L. Psychiatry and the Dilemmas of Crime. Harper & Row, New York 1967
Hamilton, peter Computer Security. Cassell /Associated Business Programmes, London 1972
johnson, G. c./smith, L. P. (Hrsg.) The BiologicalSignificance of Climatic Changes in Britain. Symposium 14 of the Institute of Biology. Academic Press, London und New York 1965
johnson, R. c./dokecki, P. r./mowrer, 0. H. Conscience, Contract and Social Reality. Holt, Rinchart and Winston, New York 1972
jones, A. H. M. The Later Roman Empire, 284-602. Blackwell, Oxford 1964
Jungk & Galtung (Hg) Mankind 2000 - Allen & Unwin, London 1969
tsahn, h./bruce-briggs, B. Things to Come: thinking about the seventies and eighties. Maemillan, New York 1972
kornhauser, william Politics of Mass Society. Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1960
lakeman, enid How Democracies Work. Faber and Faber, London 1975
lamb, H. H. Climate: Present, Pastand Future. Methuen, London 1972
lederer, E. State of the Masses. W. W. Norton, New York 1940
lewis, R. s./spinrad, B. I. in The Energy Crisis. L. E. Rocks and R. Runyon, Crown Press, New York 1972
lovins, amory B. World Energy Strategies: facts, issues and optlons. Earth Resources Research Ltd., London 1973
lowenstein, L. F. Violence m Schoots and its Treatment. National Association of Schoolmasters, Hernel Hempstead 1972
macaulay, j./berkowitz, L. (Hrsg.) Altruism and Helping Behavior. Academic Press, London und New York 1970
mcmullen, ramsay Enemies of the Roman Order. Harvard University Press, Cambridge/Mass. 1967
marchettt, victor/marks, john TheCIAandfheCultofInlelligence.3oi\i\thimCi\pe, London 1974
matthews, W. H., kellog, w./robinson, G. D. (Hrsg.) Man's Impacton the Climate.
MIT-Press, Cambridge/Mass. 1971 mayo, patricia elton The Making of a Criminal. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London 1969
megargee, E. I. hokanson, J. E. (Hrsg.) The Dynamics of Aggression: individuell, group and international anatyses. Harper & Row, New York 1970
mende, tibor From Aid to Re-Colonisation: lessons of a failure. Harrap, London 1973
mills, charles wright Power, Politics and People. Oxford University Press, New York 1963
moore, jr., barrington Reflections on the Causes of Human Misery. Allen Lane, The Penguin Press, Harmondsworth 1972
moraes, dom A Matter of People. Andre Deutsch, London 1974
murdoch, william W. (Hrsg.) Environment: Resources, Pollution and Society. Sinauer Associates, Stamford/Conn. 1971
neumann, franz Demokratischer und autoritärer Staat. Europäische VerIags-Anstalt, Frankfurt/Main (o. J.)
neumann, sigmund Permanent Revolution: the total state in a worlid at war. Harper Bros., New York 1942
neville, richard Playpower. Paladin Books, London 1970
newman, oscar Defensible Space. Architectural Press, London 1973
nisbet, R. A. The Questfor Community. Oxford University Press, London 1953
Packard, Vance Die große Verschwendung. Econ, Düsseldorf 1961
polunin, N. (Hrsg.) The Environmental Future. Maemillan, London 1972
redford, E. M. Administration of National Economic Control. Macmillan, New York 1952
rostovtzeff, M. Geschichte der Alten Welt 2. Rom. 5. Aufl. Sammlung Dieterich (Bd. 73).
Schunemann, Bremen 1970 schubr, S. H. (Hrsg.) Energy Consumption Trends and Palterns. lohn-, Hopkins Press, Baltimore/Md. 1972
seabrook, jeremy City Close up. Pelican Books, Harmondsworth 1973
sears, R. r./maccoby, b./levin, N. Patterns of Child Rearing. Harper Bros., New York 1957
singer, J. L. (Hrsg.) The Control of Aggression and Violence:cognitiveandphysiologi-calfactors. Academic Press, New York 1971
smith, T. E. (Hrsg.) The PoUtics of Family Ptanning in the Third Worid. Allen & Unwin, London 1973
speth, J. g./tamplin, A. r./cochran, T. B. The Plutonium Dedsion. National Resources Defense Coundl, Washington D. C. 1974
stetler, russell (Hrsg.) Palestine: the Arab-Israeli conflict. Ramparts Press, San Francisco 1972
sturup, G. K. Treating the <Untreatable>: chronic criminals at Herstedvester. Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore/Md. 1968
taverne, dick The Future of the Lefl: Lincoln and After. Jonathan Cape, London 1974
thompson, anthony A. Big Brother in Britain Today. Michael Joseph, London 1970
thompson, robert DefeatingCommunistInsurgency. Chatto & Windus, London 1966
tiselius, a./nilsson, S. (Hrsg.) The Place of Values in a Worid ofFacts: proceedings of the l4th Nobel Symposium, Stockholm 1969. Wiley, New York 1970
toch, hans The Social Psychoiogy ofSocial Movements. Methuen, London 1971
Toffler, alvin (Hrsg.) Kursbuch ins dritte Jahrtausend. Scherz, München 1973
Toynbee, arnold A Study of History (abndged by D. C. Somervell). Oxford University Press, London und New York 1947
trevelyan, G. M. History of England (Bd. l). Longmans Green 1943
vacca, roberto II Medioevo Prossimo Ventura. Mondadori, Mailand 1971
Waelder, robert Progress and Revolution: a study ofthe issues ofour age. International Universities Press, New York 1967
Walbank, F.W. The Awfui Revolution. Liverpool University Press 1969
Ward, colin (Hrsg.) Vandalism. The Architectural Press, London 1973
Warren, kenneth Mineral Resources. Penguin Books, Harmondsworth 1973 t WBBBtl, max Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Mohr, Tübingen 1956
Weeks, H. ashley (u. a.) Youthfui Offenders at Highfields: an evaluation. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor/Mich. 1958
Wertham, fredric The Show of Violence. Gollancz, London 1949
Willrich, mason/taylor, theodore B. Nuclear Theft: Risks and Safeguards. Ballinger, Cambridge/Mass. 1974
Wills, W D. The Barns Experiment. Allen & Unwin, London 1945
Wolfenstein, E. V. The Revolutionary Personality. Princeton University Press, Princeton/N. J. 1967
Wootton, barbara Social Science and Social Pathology. Allen & Unwin, London 1959
Young, George Tourism: Blessing or Blight? Penguin Books, Harmondsworth 1973
Rattray Taylor 1975 Zukunftsbewältigung