Start      1-Anmerkungen  

 II. Elemente des Chaos  

Anmerkungen/Quellen  (a121 bis a558)

 1-Hitzetod (s055)    2-Hunger (s066)    3-Ertrinken   (s76)    4-Flächenbrand (s88)     5-Naturkatastrophen, die keine mehr sind (s96)

  6-Süßwassermangel (105)     7-Sterbende Meere (113)     8-Verpestete Luft (119)     9-Seuchenalarm (128)      10-Wirtschaftskollaps (135) 

 11-Klimakonflikte (a501-a522) (s145)        12-»Systeme« (s152)


   2.1- Hitzetod   (s55-s65)  





   2.2-  Hunger  s 66  





197 Samuel S. Myers et al., »Effect of Increased Concentrations of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide on the Global Threat of Zinc Deficiency: A Modelling Study«, The Lancet 3, Nr. 10, Oktober 2015, PE639-E645

198 M. R. Smith et al., »Potential Rise in Iron Deficiency Due to Future Anthropoge-nic Carbon Dioxide Emissions«, GeoHealth 1, August 2017, S. 248-257,

199 Chunwu Zhu et al., »Carbon Dioxide (C02) Levels This Century Will Alter the Protein, Micronutrients, and Vitamin Content of Rice Grains with Potential Health Consequences for the Poorest Rice-Dependent Countries«, Science Advances 4, Nr. 5, Mai 2018,


   2.3 -  Ertrinken  s76  


200 Brady Dennis und Chris Mooney, »Scientists Nearly Double Sea Level Rise Protections for 2100, Because of Antarctica«, The Washington Post, 30. März 2016. Zu dem möglicherweise höheren Anstieg siehe: Benjamin Strauss und Scott Kulp, »Extreme Sea Level Rise and the Stakes for America«, Climate Central, 26. April 2017,

201 Siehe Grafik »Surging Seas: 2°C Warming and Sea Level Rise« auf der Website der Organisation Climate Central

202 Jeff Goodell, The Water Will Come: Rising Seas, Sinking Cities, and the Remaking ofthe Civilized World, New York, Little, Brown, 2017, S. 13

203 Die historische Basis dieser Legende, falls es denn eine gibt, bleibt das Thema vieler Diskussionen und Auseinandersetzungen, doch ein Überblick (und die Theorie, dass die Kultur durch einen Vulkanausbruch auf der heutigen Insel Santorin unterging) findet sich in: Willie Drye, »Atlantis«, National Geographie, 2018

204 Jochen Hinkel et al., »Coastal Flood Damage and Adaptation Costs Under 2Ist Century Sea-Level Rise«, Proceedings ofthe National Academy of Sciences, Februar 2014, 1222469111

205 Mayuri Mei Lin und Rafki Hidayat, »Jakarta, the Fastest-Sinking City in the World«, BBC News, 13. August 2018,

206 Andrew Galbraith, »China Evacuates 127000 People as Heavy Rains Lash Guangdong: Xinhua«, Reuters, 1. September 2018,

207 Ramakrishnan Durairajan et al., »Lights Out: Climate Change Risk to Internet Infrastructure«, Proceedings ofthe Applied Networking Research Workshop, 16. Juli 2018, S. 9-15,


208 Union of Concerned Scientists, »Underwater: Rising Seas, Chronic Floods, and the Implications for US Coastal Real Estate«, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2018, S. 5,

209 Svetlana Jevrejeva et al., »Flood Damage Costs Under the Sea Level Rise with Warming of 1.5°C and 2°C«, Environmental Research Letters 13, Nr. 7, Juli 2018, https://

210 Andrea Dutton et al., »Sea-Level Rise Due to Polar Ice-Sheet Mass Loss During Past Warm Periods«, Science 349, Nr. 6244, Juli 2015, aaa4019

211 »Surging Seas«, Climate Central

212 Benjamin Strauss, »Coastal Nations, Megacities Face 20 Feet of Sea Rise«, Climate Central, 9. Juli 2015,

213 Ebd

214 European Academies' Science Advisory Council, »New Data Confirm Increased Frequency of Extreme Weather Events, European National Science Academies Urge Further Action on Climate Change Adaptation«, 21. März 2018, press-releases/details/new-data-confirm-increased-frequency-of-extreme-weather-events-european-national-science-academies.

215 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, »Patterns and Protections of High Tide Flooding Along the US Coastline Using a Common Impact Threshold«, Silver Spring, Maryland, Februar 2018, S. ix, publications/techrpt86_PaP_of_HTFlooding.pdf.

216 Internationale Strategie zur Katastrophenvorsorge der Vereinten Nationen, »The Human Cost of Weather Related Disasters 1995-2015«, Genf, 2015, S. 13, www. l_WeatherDisastersReport_2015_FINAL. pdf.

217 Sven N. Willner et al., »Adaptation Required to Preserve Future High-End River Flood Risk at Present Levels«, Science Advances 4, Nr. 1, Januar 2018, https://doi. org/10.1126/sciadv.aaol914.

218 Oliver E. J. Wing et al., »Estimates of Present and Future Flood Risk in the Conterminous United States«, Environmental Research Letters 13, Nr. 3, Februar 2018,

219 Oxfam International, »43 Million Hit by South Asia Floods: Oxfam Is Respon-ding«, 3 1. August 2017, 43-million-hit-south-asia-floods-oxfam-responding.

220 Generalsekretariat der Vereinten Nationen, »Secretary-General's Press Encounter °n Climate Change [with Q&A]«, 29. März 2018, press-encounter/2018-03-29/secretary-generals-press-encounter-climate-change-qa.


221 U.S. Census Bureau, »Historical Estimates of World Population«, www.census. gov/data/tables/time-series/demo/international-programs/historical-est-worldpop. html.

222 Es gibt eine Reihe von Theorien darüber, welche historischen Überflutungsereignisse der biblischen Geschichte als Grundlage gedient haben könnten, aber diese sehr beliebte ist ausführlich dargelegt in: William Ryan und Walter Pitman, Sintflut: Ein Rätsel wird entschlüsselt, Bergisch Gladbach, Bastei-Lübbe, 2001.

223 Michael Schwirtz, »Besieged Rohingya Face >Crisis Within the Crisis<: Deadly Floods«, The New York Times, 13. Februar 2018.

224 Meehan Crist, »Besides, Fll Be Dead«, London Review of Books, 22. Februar 2018,

225 Jim Morrison, »Flooding Hot Spots: Why Seas Are Rising Faster on the US East Coast«, Yale Environment 360, 24. April 2018,

226 Andrew Shepherd, Helen Amanda Fricker und Sinead Louise Farrell, »Trends and Connections Across the Antarctic Cryosphere«, Nature, 558, 2018, S. 223-232.

227 University of Leeds, »Antarctica Ramps Up Sea Level Rise«, 13. Juni 2018, www.

228 Chris Mooney, »Antarctic Ice Loss Has Tripled in a Decade. If That Continues, We Are in Serious Trouble«, The Washington Post, 13. Juni 2018.

229 James Hansen et al., »Ice Melt, Sea Level Rise and Superstorms: Evidence from Paleoclimate Data, Climate Modeling, and Modern Observations That 2°C Global War-mingCouldBeDangerous«,Afmosp/iencCfcemisfry and Pesics 16,2016, S. 3761-3812,

230 University of Maryland, »Decades of Satellite Monitoring Reveal Antarctic Ice Loss«, 13. Juni 2018,

231 Hayley Dunning, »How to Save Antarctica (and the Rest of Earth Too)«, Imperial College London, 13. Juni 2018,

232 Richard Zeebe et al., »Anthropogenic Carbon Release Rate Unprecedented During the Past 66 Million Years«, Nature Geoscience 9, März 2016, S. 325-329, https://

233 C. P. Borstad et al., »A Damage Mechanics Assessment of the Larsen B Ice Shelf Prior to Collapse: Toward a Physically-Based Calving Law«, Geophysical Research Letters 39, September 2012,

234 Sarah Griffiths, »Global Warming Is Happening >Ten Times Faster than at Any Time in the Earth's History<, Climate Experts Claim«, The Daily Mail, 2. August 2013. Siehe auch Melissa Davey, »Humans Causing Climate to Change 170 Times Faster than Natural Forces«, The Guardian, 12. Februar 2017; dieser Schätzwert einer 170-mal so schnellen Erwärmung stammt aus: Owen Gaffney und Will Steffen, »The Anthropocene Equation«, The Anthropocene Review, 10. Februar 2017, 2053019616688022.


235 Dirk Notz und Julienne Stroeve, »Observed Arctic Sea-Ice Loss Directly Follows Anthropogenic C02 Emission«, Science, 3. November 2016. Siehe auch Robinson Meyer, »The Average American Melts 645 Square Feet of Arctic Ice Every Year«, The Atlantic, 3. November 2016. Siehe ebenfalls Ken Caldeira, »How Much Ice Is Melted by Each Carbon Dioxide Emission?«, posted on 24. März 2018, https://kencaldeira.wordpress. com/2018/03/24/how-much-ice-is-melted-by-each-carbon-dioxide-emission.

236 Sebastian H. Mernild, »Is >Tipping Point< for the Greenland Ice Sheet Appro-aching?«, Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 2009, 20Mernild4.pdf.

237 National Snow and Ice Data Center, »Quick Facts on Ice Sheets«, https://nsidc. org/cryosphere/quickfacts/icesheets.html.

238 Patrick Lynch, »The >Unstable< West Antarctic Ice Sheet: A Primer«, NASA, 12. Mai 2014,

239 UMassAmherst College of Engineering, »Gleason Participates in Ground-breaking Greenland Research That Makes Front Page of New York Times«, Januar 2017,

240 Jonathan L. Bamber, »Reassessment of the Potential Sea-Level Rise from a Collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet«, Science 324, Nr. 5929, Mai 2009, S. 901-903, 1169335.

241 Alejandra Borunda, »We Know West Antarctica Is Melting. Is the East in Danger, Too?«, National Geographie, 10. August 2018.

242 NASA Science, »Is Arctic Permafrost the >Sleeping Giant< of Climate Change?«, 24. Juni 2013, permafrost.

243 Katey Walter Anthony et al, »21st-Century Modeled Permafrost Carbon Emissions Accelerated by Abrupt Thaw Beneath Lakes«, Nature Communications 9, Nr. 3262, August 2018, Siehe auch Ellen Gray, »Unexpected Future Boost of Methane Possible from Arctic Permafrost«, NASA Climate, 20. August 2018, Zum »abrupten Auftauen« siehe Anthony, »2Ist-Century Modeled Permafrost Carbon Emissions«, 10.1038/s41467-018-05738-9.

244 »What Is Behind Rising Levels of Methane in the Atmosphere?«, NASA Earth Observatory, 11. Januar 2018,

245 Anthony, »2Ist-Century Modeled Permafrost Carbon Emissions«, https://doi. org/10.1038/s41467-018-05738-9.


246 IPCC, Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis - Summary for Policy-makers, Genf, Oktober 2013, S. 23.

247 Kevin Schaeffer et al., »Amount and Timing of Permafrost Release in Response to Climate Warming«, Tellus B, 24. Januar 2011.

248 Ebd.

249 Peter Wadhams, »The Global Impacts of Rapidly Disappearing Arctic Sea Ice«, Yale Environment 360, 26. September 2016, ocean_ice_disappears_global_climate_impacts_intensify_wadhams.

250 David Archer, The Long Thaw: How Humans Are Changing the Next 100000 Years ofEarth's Climate, Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 2016.

251 Zu all den vorhergehenden Beispielen in den USA siehe Benjamin Strauss, Scott Kulp und Peter Clark, »Can You Guess What America Will Look Like in 10000 Years? A Quiz«, The New York Times, 20. April 2018, sunday-review/ climate-flood-quiz.html.

252 Treat, »What the World Would Look Like«, 2013.

253 Gordon McGranahan et al., »The Rising Tide: Assessing the Risks of Climate Change and Human Settlements in Low Elevation Coastal Zones«, Environment and Urbanization 19,Nr.l, April 2007.S. 17- 27,



2.4- Flächenbrand  s88


254 CalFire, »Incident Information: Thomas Fire«, 28. März 2018,

255 CalFire, »Thomas Fire Incident Update«, 11. Dezember 2017, 

256 Joan Didion, Stunde der Bestie, Reinbek bei Hamburg, Rowohlt, 1996.

257 CalFire, »Top 20 Most Destructive California Wildfires«, 20. August 2018, www.

258 CalFire, »Incident Information: 2017«, 24. Januar 2018, http://cdfdata.flre.

259 California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection, »October 2017 Fire Siege«, Januar 2018, 2018_meeting/full/full_14_presentation_october_2017_fire_siege.pdf

260 Robin Abcarian, »They Survived Six Hours in a Pool as a Wildfire Burned Their Neighborhood to the Ground«, Los Angeles Times, 12. Oktober 2017

261 Erin Allday, »Wine Country Wildfires: Huddled in Pool amid Blaze, Wife Dies in Husband's Arms«, SF Gate, 25. Januar 2018

262 Megan Molteni, »Wildfire Smoke Is Smothering the US - Even Where You Don't Expect It«, Wired, 14. August 2018.

263 Estefania Duran, »B.C. Year in Review 2017: Wildfires Devastate the Province like Never Before«, Global News, 25. Dezember 2017, 


264 Mike Davis, City ofQuartz: Ausgrabungen der Zukunft in Los Angeles, Berlin/ Hamburg, Assoziation A, 2006.

265 Tiffany Hsu, »In California Wine Country, Wildfires Take a Toll on Vintages and Tourism«, The New York Times, 10. Oktober 2017.

266 Jessica Gelt, »Getty Museum Closes Because of Fire, but >The Safest Place for the Art Is Right Here<, Spokesman Says«, Los Angeles Times, 6. Dezember 2017.

267 »Climate Change Indicators: U.S. Wildfires«, WX Shift,

268 W. Matt Jolly et al., »Climate-Induced Variations in Global Wildfire Danger from 1979 to 2013«, Nature Communications 6, Nr. 7537, Juli 2015, 

269 Joseph Romm, Climate Change: What Everyone Needs to Know, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016, S. 47.

270 National Interagency Fire Center, »Total Wildland Fires and Acres (1926-2017)«,

271 Melissa Pamer und Elizabeth Espinosa, »>We Don't Even Call It Fire Season Anymore ... It's Year Roundc Cal Fire«, KTLA 5,11. Dezember 2017.

272 William Finnegan, »California Burning«, New York Review ofBooks, 16. August 2018.

273 Jason Horowitz, »As Greek Wildfire Closed In, a Desperate Dash Ended in Death«, The New York Times, 24. Juli 2018.

274 Daniel L. Swain et al., »Increasing Precipitation Volatility in Twenty-First-Century California«, Nature Climate Change 8, April 2018, S. 427-433, https://doi. org/10.1038/s41558-018-0140-y.

275 Fay H. Johnston et al., »Estimated Global Mortality Attributable to Smoke from Landscape Fires«, Environmental Health Perspectives 120, Nr. 5, Mai 2012, https://doi. org/10.1289/ehp.l 104422.

276 George E. Le et al., »Canadian Forest Fires and the Effects of Long-Range Trans-boundary Air Pollution on Hospitalizations Among the Elderly«, ISPRS International Journal ofGeo-Information3,Mai 2014, S. 713-731,

277 C. Howard et al., »SOS: Summer of Smoke - A Mixed-Methods, Communi-ty-Based Study Investigating the Health Effects of a Prolonged, Severe Wildfire Season on a Subarctic Population«, Canadian Journal of Emergency Mediane 19, Mai 2017, S. S99,

278 Sharon J. Riley, »>The Lost Summen: The Emotional and Spiritual Toll of the Smoke Apocalypse«, The Narwhal, 21. August 2018,

279 Susan E. Page et al., »The Amount of Carbon Released from Peat and Forest Fires in Indonesia During 1997«, Nature 420, November 2002, S. 61-65, https://doi. org/10.1038/nature01131. Um ein Bild davon zu erhalten, wie sich die Emissionen in den Torfgebieten entwickeln werden, siehe Angela V. Gallego-Sala et al., »Latitudinal Limits to the Predicted Increase of the Peatland Carbon Sink with Warming«, Nature Climate Change 8,2018, S. 907-913.


280 David R. Baker, »Huge Wildfires Can Wipe Out Californias Greenhouse Gas Gains«, San Francisco Chronicle, 22. November 2017

281 Joe Romm, »Science: Second >100-Year< Amazon Drought in Five Years Caused Huge C02 Emissions. If This Pattern Continues, the Forest Would Become a Warming Source«, ThinkProgress, 8. Februar 2011,

282 Roel J.W. Brienen et al., »Long-Term Decline of the Amazon Carbon Sink«, Nature, März 2015

283 Aline C. Soterroni et al., »Fate of the Amazon Is on the Ballot in Brazil's Presi-dential Election«, Monga Bay, 17. Oktober 2018, fate-of-the-amazon-is-on-the-ballot-in-brazils-presidential-election-commentary

284 G. R. van der Werf et al., »C02 Emissions from Forest Loss«, Nature Geoscience, 2, November 2009, S. 737-738,

285 Bob Berwyn, »How Wildfires Can Affect Climate Change (and Vice Versa)«, Inside Climate News, 23. August 2018,

286 Daisy Dünne, »Methane Uptake from Forest Soils Has »Fallen by 77% in Three Decades<«, CarbonBrief, 6. August 2018,

287 Natalie M. Mahowald et al, »Are the Impacts of Land Use on Warming Unde-restimated in Climate Policy?«, Environmental Research Letters 12, Nr. 9, September 2017,

288 Quentin Lejeune et al., »Historical Deforestation Locally Increased the Intensity of Hot Days in Northern Mid-Latitudes«, Nature Climate Change 8, April 2018, S. 386-390,

289 Leonardo Suveges Moreira Chaves et al., »Abundance of Impacted Forest Patches Less than 5 km2 Is a Key Driver of the Incidence of Malaria in Amazonian Brazil«, Scientific Reports 8, Nr. 7077, Mai 2018,


    2.5-  Naturkatastrophen, die keine mehr sind   s69  


290 Francesco Fiondella, »Extreme Tornado Outbreaks Have Become More Common«, International Research Institute for Climate and Society, Columbia University, 2. März 2016, Siehe auch Joseph Romm, Climate Change: What Everyone Needs to Know, New York, Oxford University Press, 2016, S. 69.


291 Congressional Research Service, The National Hurrkane Center and Forecasting Hurricanes: 2017 Overview and 2018 Outlook, Washington, D.C., 23. August 2018,

292 Javier Zarracina und Brian Resnick, »All the Rain That Hurricane Harvey Dumped on Texas and Louisiana, in One Massive Water Drop«, Vox, 1. September 2017

293 Jason Samenow, »Red Hot Planet: This Summers Punishing and Historie Heat in Seven Charts and Maps«, The Washington Post, 17. August 2018

294 U.S. Geological Survey, »Retreat of Glaciers in Glacier National Park«, 6. April 2016,

295 European Academies' Science Advisory Council, »New Data Confirm Increased Frequency of Extreme Weather Events, European National Science Academies Urge Further Action on Climate Change Adaptation«, 21. März 2018,

296 Andra J. Garner et al., »Impact of Climate Change on New York Citys Coastal Flood Hazard: Increasing Flood Heights from the Preindustrial to 2300 CE«, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, September 2017, pnas.1703568114

297 U.S. Global Change Research Program, 2014 National Climate Assessment, Washington, D. C, 2014, heavy- downpours - increasing.

298 U. S. Global Change Research Program, »Observed Change in Very Heavy Pre-cipitation«, 19. September 2013, our-changing-climate/figure/observed-change-in-very-heavy-precipitation-2.

299 National Weather Service, »April 2018 Precipitation Summary«, 4. Mai 2018,

300 Alyson Kenward und Urooj Raja, »Blackout: Extreme Weather, Climate Change and Power Outages«, Climate Central, Princeton, New Jersey, 2014, S. 4, http://assets.

301 Joe Romm, »The Case for a Category 6 Rating for Super-Hurricanes like Irma«, ThinkProgress, 6. September 2017,

302 Frances Robles und Luis Ferre-Sadurni, »Puerto Ricos Agriculture and Farmers Decimated by Maria«, The New York Times, 24. September 2017.

303 Diese Bemerkung veröffentlichte Wark auf Twitter:


304 Ning Lin et al., »Hurricane Sandys Flood Frequency Increasing from Year 1800 to 2100«, Proceedings ofthe National Academy ofthe Sciences, Oktober 2016

305 Aslak Grinsted et al., »Projected Atlantic Hurricane Surge Threat from Rising Temperatures«, Proceedings ofthe National Academy of Sciences, März 2013,

306 Greg Holland und Cindy L. Bruyere, »Recent Intense Hurricane Response to Global Climate Change«, Climate Dynamics 42, Nr. 3-4, Februar 2014, S. 617-627,

307 Ernährungs- und Landwirtschaftsorganisation der Vereinten Nationen, »The Impact of Disasters on Agriculture and Food Security«, Rom, 2015, S. xix,

308 Wei Mei und Shang-Ping Xie, »Intensification of Landfalling Typhoons over the Northwest Pacific Since the Late 1970s«, Nature Geoscience 9, September 2016, S. 753-757,

309 Linda Poon, »Climate Change Is Testing Asias Megacities«, CityLab, 9. Oktober 2018, vs-tomorrows-typhoons/ 572062.

310 Judah Cohen et al., »Warm Arctic Episodes Linked with Increased Frequency of Extreme Winter Weather in the United States«, Nature Communications 9, Nr. 869, März 2018,

311 NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, »State ofthe Climate: Tornadoes for April 2011«, Mai 2011,

312 Noah S. Diffenbaugh et al., »Robust Increases in Severe Thunderstorm Environments in Response to Greenhouse Forcing«, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110, Nr. 41, Oktober 2013, S. 16361-16366, 1307758110.

313 Keith Porter et al., »Overview ofthe ARkStorm Scenario«, U.S. Geological Survey, Januar 2011,

314 Emily Atkin, »Minutes: >Unbearable< Petrochemical Smells Are Reportedly Drifting into Houston«, The New Republic, August 2017.

315 Frank Bajak und Lise Olsen, »Silent Spills«, Houston Chronicle, Mai 2018.

316 Kevin Litten, »16 New Orleans Pumps, Not 14, Were Down Saturday and Remain Out: Officials«, The Times-Picayune, 10. August 2017

317 Elizabeth Fussell, »Constructing New Orleans, Constructing Race: A Population History of New Orleans«, The Journal of American History 94, Nr. 3, Dezember 2007, S. 846-855,

318 Allison Plyer, »Facts for Features: Katrina Impact«, The Data Center, 26. August 2016,

319 U. S. Census Bureau, »The South Is Home to 10 ofthe 15 Fastest-Growing Large Cities«, 25. Mai 2017, . Siehe auch Amy Newcomb, »Census Bureau Reveals Fastest-Growing Large Cities«, U.S. Census Bureau, 2018.

320 John Schwartz, »Exxon Misled the Public on Climate Change, Study Says«, The New York Times, 23. August 2017

321 Greg Allen, »Ghosts of Katrina Still Haunt New Orleans' Shattered Lower Ninth Ward«, NPR, 3. August 2015,

322 Kevin Sack und John Schwartz, »Left to Louisianas Tides, a Village Fights for Time«, The New York Times, 24. Februar 2018, 02/24/us/jean-lafitte-floodwaters.html. Siehe auch Bob Marshall, Brian Jacobs und AI Shaw, »Losing Ground«, ProPublica, 28. August 2014,

323 Jeff Goodell, »Welcome to the Age of Climate Migration«, Rolling Stone, 4. Februar 2018

324 John D. Sutter und Sergio Hernandez, »>Exodus< from Puerto Rico: A Visual Guide«, CNN, 21. Februar 2018,



    2.6- Süßwassermangel    s105   


325 USGS Water Science School, »How Much Water Is There on, in, and Above the Earth?«, U.S. Geological Survey, 2. Dezember 2016,

326 USGS Water Science School, »The World's Water«, U.S. Geological Survey, 2. Dezember 2016,

327 »Freshwater Crisis«, National Geographie

328 Tariq Khokhar, »Chart: Globally, 70% of Freshwater Is Used for Agriculture«, Datenblog der Weltbank, 22. März 2017,

329 »Water Consumption in Africa«, Institute Water for Africa, Siehe auch UN-Water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication and Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, »The Human Right to Water and Sanitation«,

330 »Half the World to Face Severe Water Stress by 2030 Unless Water Use Is >Decou-pled< from Economic Growth, Says International Resource Panel«, Umweltprogramm der Vereinten Nationen, 21. März 2016,


331 »Water Audits and Water Loss Control for Public Water Systems«, Environmental Protection Agency, Juli 2013,

332 »Treated Water Loss Is Still High in Brazil«, Weltwasserforum, 21. November 2017,

333 »2.1 Billion People Lack Safe Drinking Water at Home, More than Twice as Many Lack Safe Sanitation«, Weltgesundheitsorganisation, 12. Juli 2017, news-room/detail/12-07-2017-2-1-billion-people-lack-safe-drinking-water-at-home-more-than-twice-as-many-lack-safe-sanitation.

334 M. Huss et al., »Toward Mountains Without Permanent Snow and Ice«, Earth's Future 5, Nr. 5, Mai 2017, S. 418-435,

335 P.D.A. Kraaijenbrink, »Impact of a Global Temperature Rise of 1.5 Degrees Celsius on Asia's Glaciers«, Nature 549, September 2017, S. 257-260, https://doi. org/10.1038/nature23878

336 Mark Lynas, Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet, Washington, D. C, National Geographie Society, 2008, S. 202. Siehe auch Christoph Marty et al„ »How Much Can We Save? Impact of Different Emission Scenarios on Future Snow Cover in the Alps«, The Cryosphere, 2017

337 Klimarahmenkonvention der Vereinten Nationen, »Climate Change: Impacts, Vulnerabihties and Adaptation in Developing Countries«, New York, 2007, S. 5, https://

338 Charles Fant et al., »Protections of Water Stress Based on an Ensemble of Socio-economic Growth and Climate Change Scenarios: A Case Study in Asia«, PLOS One 11, Nr. 3, März 2016,

339 Weltbank, »High and Dry: Climate Change, Water, and the Economy«, Washington, D.C., 2016, S. vi

340 UN Water, »The United Nations World Water Development Report 2018: Natu-re-Based Solutions for Water«, Paris, 2018, S. 3, 0026/002614/261424e.pdf.

341 Marcello Rossi, »Desert City Phoenix Mulls Ways to Quench Thirst of Sprawling Suburbs«, Thomson Reuters Foundation News, 7. Juni 2018, 20180607120002-7kwzq.

342 Edoardo Borgomeo, »Will London Run Out of Water?«, The Conversation, 24. Mai 2018,

343 Rina Saeed Khan, »Water Pressures Rise in Pakistan as Drought Meets a Growing Population«, Reuters, 14. Juni 2018, idAFL5NlT7502.

344 NASA Earth Observatory, »World of Change: Shrinking Aral Sea«, https://

345 NASA Earth Observatory, »Bolivia's Lake Poopö Disappears«, 23. Januar 2016,

346 Amir AghaKouchak et al., »Aral Sea Syndrome Desiccates Lake Urmia: Call for Action«, Journal ofGreat Lakes Research 41, Nr. 1, März 2015, S. 307-311, https://doi. org/10.1016/j.jglr.2014.12.007.

347 »Africa's Vanishing Lake Chad«, Africa Renewal, April 2012,

348 Boqiang Qin et al., »A Drinking Water Crisis in Lake Taihu, China: Linkage to Climatic Variability and Lake Management«, Environmental Management 45, Nr. 1, Januar 2010, S. 105-112,

349 Jessica E. Tierney et al., »Late-Twentieth-Century Warming in Lake Tanganyika Unprecedented Since AD 500«, Nature Geoscience 3, Mai 2010, S. 422-425, https://doi. org/10.1038/ngeo865. Siehe auch unter anderem Clea Broadhurst, »Global Warming Depletes Lake Tanganikya's Fish Stocks«, RFI, 9. August 2016, 20160809-global-warming-responsible-decline-fish-lake-tanganyika.

350 E. J. S. Emilson et al., »Climate Driven Shifts in Sediment Chemistry Enhance Methane Production in Northern Lakes«, Nature Communications 9, Nr. 1801, Mai 2018, Siehe auch David Bastviken et al., »Methane Emissions from Lakes: Dependence of Lake Characteristics, Two Regional Assessments, and a Global Estimate«, Global Biogeochemical Cycles 18,2004, https://doi. org/10.1029/2004GB002238.

351 »Greenhouse Gas >Feedback Loop< Discovered in Freshwater Lakes«, University of Cambridge, 4. Mai 2018,

352 USGS Water Science School, »Groundwater Use in the United States«, U. S. Geo-logical Survey, 26. Juni 2018,

353 Brian Clark Howard, »California Drought Spurs Groundwater Drilling Boom in Central Valley«, National Geographie, 16. August 2014.

354 Kevin Wilcox, »Aquifers Depleted in Colorado River Basin«, Civil Engineering, 5. August 2014,

355 Sandra Postel, »Drought Hastens Groundwater Depletion in the Texas Panhandle«, National Geographie, 24. Juli 2014.

356 Kansas State University, »Study Forecasts Future Water Levels of Crucial Agricultural Aquifer«, K-State News, 26. August 2013, Siehe auch David R. Steward et al„ »Tapping Unsustainable Groundwater Stores for Agricultural Production in the High Plains Aquifer of Kansas, Protections to 2110«, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ofthe UnitedStates of America 110, Nr. 37, September 2013, S. E3477-E3486, https://doi. °rg/10.1073/pnas.l220351110.


357 NITI Aayog, Composite Water Management Index, S. 22,

358 City of Cape Town, »Day Zero: When Is It, What Is It, and How Can We Avoid It?«, 15. November 2017, when%20is%20it,%20what%20is%20it,%20and%20how%20can%20we%20avoid% 20it?

359 Adam Welz, »Letter from a Bed in Cape Town«, Sierra, 12. Februar 2018, www.

360 Mark Milligan, »Glad You Asked: Does Utah Really Use More Water than Any Other State?«, Utah Geological Survey, glad-you-asked/does-utah-use-more-water

361 UNESCO, Water: A Shared Responsibility - The United Nations World Water Development Report 2, Paris, 2006, S. 502, 001454/145405e.pdf#page=519

362 Stephen Leahy, »From Not Enough to Too Much, the World's Water Crisis Explained«, National Geographie, 22. März 2018

363 Public Policy Institute for California, »Water Use in California«, Juli 2016, www. publication/water- use-in-California.

364 Jon Gerberg, »A Megacity Without Water: Sao Paulos Drought«, Time, 13. Oktober 2015. Siehe auch Simon Romero, »Taps Start to Run Dry in Brazil's Largest City«, The New York Times, 16. Februar 2015.

365 Graham Keeley, »Barcelona Forced to Import Emergency Water«, The Guardian, 14. Mai 2008.

366 »Recent Rainfall, Drought and Southern Australia's Long-Term Rainfall Decline«, Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, April 2015, au/climate/updates/articles/aOlO-southern-rainfall-decline.shtml.

367 Albert I. J.M. van Dijk et al., »The Millennium Drought in Southeast Australia (2001-2009): Natural and Human Causes and Implications for Water Resources, Eco-systems, Economy, and Society«, Water Resources Research 49, Februar 2013, S. 1040-1057,

368 »Managing Water for the Environment During Drought: Lessons from Victoria, Australia, Technical Appendices«, Public Policy Institute of California, San Francisco, Juni 2016, S. 8,

369 Michael Safi, »Washing Is a Privilege: Life on the Frontline of India's Water Crisis«, The Guardian, 21. Juni 2018. Siehe auch Maria Abi-Habib und Hari Kumar, »Deadly Tensions Rise as India's Water Supply Runs Dangerously Low«, The New York Times, 17. Juni 2018.

370 Mesfin M. Mekonnen und Arjen Y. Hoekstra, »Four Billion People Facing Severe Water Scarcity«, Science Advances 2, Nr. 2, Februar 2016, sciadv. 1500323


371 Weltbank, »High and Dry«, S. 5

372 Ebd., S. vi.

373 Ebd., S. 13.

374 »Water Conflict«, Pacific Institute: The World's Water, Mai 2018. www.

375 International Committee of the Red Cross, »Health Crisis in Yemen«, www.icrc. org/en/where-we-work/middle-east/yemen/health-crisis-yemen.


2.7-  Sterbende Meere   


376 Carson war erst dreißig, als sie diesen Essay in The Atlantic veröffentlichte, und arbeitete zu der Zeit noch als Biologin für die Fischereiabteilung des U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. In den Meeren, schrieb sie, »sehen wir Teile des Plans Gestalt annehmen: Das Wasser empfängt die simplen Materialien von der Erde und aus der Luft, speichert sie, bis die versammelte Energie des Frühlings die schlafenden Pflanzen in einem Ausbruch geballter Energie weckt, hungrige Scharen von Planktontieren wachsen und vermehren sich auf der Pflanzenfülle und werden selbst wiederum zur Beute der Fischschwärme; letzten Endes löst sich alles in seine Bestandteile auf, wenn es die unerbittlichen Gesetze des Meeres verlangen. Einzelne Elemente verschwinden aus der Sicht, nur um immer wieder in einer Art materieller Unsterblichkeit in verschiedenen Verkörperungen wiederzukehren. Verwandte Kräfte derjenigen, die in einer unvorstellbar weit entfernten Ära jenes Urelement des Protoplasmas hervorgebracht hat, das im uralten Meer umhertrieb, führen ihre mächtige und undurchdringliche Arbeit fort. Vor diesem kosmischen Hintergrund erscheint die Lebensspanne einer bestimmten Pflanze oder eines einzelnen Tieres nicht wie ein in sich geschlossenes Drama, sondern eher wie ein kurzes Zwischenspiel in einem Panorama des endlosen Wandels.«


377 National Ocean Service, »How Much Water Is in the Ocean?«, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 25. Juni 2018, oceanwater.html.

378 »Availability and Consumption of Fish«, Weltgesundheitsorganisation, www.

379 Malin L. Pinsky et al., »Preparing Ocean Governance for Species on the Move«, Science 360, Nr. 6394, Juni 2018, S. 1189-1191,

380 Kendall R. Jones et al., »The Location and Protection Status of Earth's Diminis-hing Marine Wilderness«, Current Biology 28, Nr. 15, August 2018, S. 2506-2512, Siehe auch Sigrid Lind et al., »Arctic Warnung Hotspot in the Northern Barents Sea Linked to Declining Sea-Ice Import«, Nature Climate Change 8, Juni 2018, S. 634-639,

381 Rob Monroe, »How Much C02 Can the Oceans Take Up?«, Scripps Institution °r Oceanography, 13. Juli 2013,


07/03/how-much-co2-can-the-oceans-take-up. Siehe auch Peter J. Gleckler et al., »In-dustrial-Era Global Ocean Heat Uptake Doubles in Recent Decades«, Nature Climate Change 6, Januar 2016, S. 394-398,

382 Australian Government Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, »Managing the Reef«

383 Robinson Meyer, »Since 2016, Half of All Coral in the Great Barrier Reef Has Died«, The Atlantic, April 2018

384 Michon Scott und Rebecca Lindsey, »Unprecedented Three Years of Global Coral Bleaching, 2014-2017«,, 1. August 2018, understanding-climate/unprecedented-3-years-global-coral-bleaching-2014%E2% 80%932017

385 C. C. Baldwin et al., »Below the Mesophotic«, Scientific Reports 8, Nr. 4920, März 2018,

386 Lauretta Burke et al., »Reefs at Risk Revisited«, World Resources Institute, Washington, D. C, 2011, S. 6, at_risk_revisited.pdf

387 Ocean Portal Team, »Corals and Coral Reefs«, Smithsonian, April 2018, https://

388 »Coral Ecosystems«, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, www.

389 Michael W. Beck et al., »The Global Flood Protection Savings Provided by Coral Reefs«, Nature Communications 9, Nr. 2186, Juni 2018,

390 Kate Madin, »Ocean Acidification: A Risky Shell Game«, Oceanus Magazine, 4. Dezember 2009, Siehe auch Cosima Porteus et al., »Near-Future C02 Levels Impair the Olfactory System of Marine Fish«, Nature Climate Change 8, 23. Juli 2018.

391 Graham Edgar und Trevor J. Ward, »Australian Commercial Fish Populations Drop by a Third over Ten Years«, The Conversation, 6. Juni 2018,

392 Jurriaan M. De Vos et al., »Estimating the Normal Background Rate of Species Extinction«, Conservation Biology, 26. August 2014.

393 A. H. Altieri und K. B. Gedan, »Climate Change and Dead Zones«, Global Change Biology, 10. November 2014, ll/gcb.12754.

394 »SOS: Is Climate Change Suffocating Our Seas?«, National Science Foundation,

395 Bastien Y. Queste et al., »Physical Controls on Oxygen Distribution and Denitri-fication Potential in the North West Arabian Sea«, Geophysical Research Letters 45, Nr. 9, Mai 2018. Siehe auch »Growing >Dead Zone< Conflrmed by Underwater Robots« (Pressemeldung), University of East Anglia, 27. April 2018, growing-dead-zone-conflrrned-by-underwater-robots-in-the-gulf-of-oman.


396 Peter Brannen, »A Foreboding Similarity in Today's Oceans and a 94-Milli-on-Year-Old Catastrophe«, The Atlantic, 12. Januar 2018. Siehe auch Dana Nuccitelli, »Burning Coal May Have Caused Earth's Worst Mass Extinction«, The Guardian, 12. März 2018.

397 National Ocean Service, »Currents: The Global Conveyor Belt«, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, currents/05conveyor2.html.

398 Stefan Rahmstorf et al., »Exceptional Twentieth-Century Slowdown in Atlantic Ocean Overturning Circulation«, Nature Climate Change 5, Mai 2015, https://doi. org/10.1038/nclimate2554.

399 L. Caesar et al., »Observed Fingerprint of a Weakening AÜantic Ocean Overturning Circulation«, Nature 556, April 2018, S. 191-196, s41586-018-0006-5; David J. R. Thornalley et al., »Anomalously weak Labrador Sea convection and Atlantic overturning during the past 150 years«, Nature 556, April 2018, S. 227-230,

400 Joseph Romm, »Dangerous Climate Tipping Point Is >About a Century Ahead of Schedule< Wams Scientist«, Think Progress, 12. April 2018.


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401 Joseph Romm, Climate Change: What Everyone Needs to Know, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016, S. 113.

402 Ebd., S. 114.

403 Ploy Achakulwisut et al., »Drought Sensitivity in Fine Dust in the U.S. Southwest«, Environmental Research Letters 13, Mai 2018, 1748-9326/aabf20.

404 G.G. Pflster et al., »Protections of Future Summertime Ozone over the U.S.«, Journal ofGeophysical Research Atmospheres 119, Nr. 9, Mai 2014, S. 5559-5582,

405 Romm, Climate Change, 2016, S. 105.

406 DARA, Climate Vulnerability Monitor: A Guide to the Cold Calculus of a Hot Planet, 2nd ed., Madrid, 2012, S. 17, CVM2-Low.pdf. James Hansen hat diesen Vergleich bei mehreren Gelegenheiten angestellt, auch in einem Interview mit mir, das unter dem Titel »Climate Scientist James Hansen: >The Planet Could Become Ungovernable<« am 12. Juli 2017 in der Zeitschrift New York erschien.

407 Xin Zhang et al., »The Impact of Exposure to Air Pollution on Cognitive Performance«, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 155, Nr. 37, September 2018,'S. 9193-9197, https://doi org/10.1073/pnas.l809474115. Der Co-Autor Xi Chen äußerte sich so gegenüber mehreren Nachrichtenmedien, darunter The Guardian: Damian Carrington und Lily Kuo, »Air Pollution Causes >Huge< Reduction in Intelli-gence, Study Reveals«, 27. August 2018.


408 Joshua Goodman et al., »Heat and Learning«, Arbeitspapier des National Bureau of Economic Research Nr. 24639, Mai 2018,

409 Anna Oudin et al., »Association Between Neighbourhood Air Pollution Con-centrations and Dispensed Medication for Psychiatric Disorders in a Large Longitudi-nal Cohort of Swedish Children and Adolescents«, BMJOpen 6, Nr. 6, Juni 2016, https:// Siehe auch Hong Chen et al., »Living near Major Roads and the Incidence of Dementia, Parkinsons Disease, and Multiple Sclero-sis: A Population-Based Cohort Study«, The Lancet 389, Nr. 10070, Februar 2017, S. 718-726,

410 Adam Isen et al., »Every Breath You Take - Every Dollar You'll Make: The Long-Term Consequences of the Clean Air Act of 1970«, Arbeitspapier des National Bureau of Economic Research Nr. 19858, September 2015,

411 Janet Currie und W. Reed Walker, »Traffic Congestion and Infant Health: Evi-dence from E-ZPass«, Arbeitspapier des National Bureau of Economic Research Nr. 15413, April 2012,

412 Yufei Zou et al., »Arctic Sea Ice, Eurasia Snow, and Extreme Winter Haze in China«, Science Advances 3, Nr. 3, März 2017,

413 Steve LeVine, »Pollution Score: Beijing 993, New York 19«, Quartz, 14. Januar 2013,

414 Lijian Han et al., »Multicontaminant Air Pollution in Chinese Cities«, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 96, Februar 2018.S.233-242E, / BLT17.195560; Fred Pearce, »How a >Toxic Cocktail< Is Posing a Troubling Health Risk in Chinas Cities«, Yale Environment 360, 17. April 2018, how-a-toxic-cocktail-is-posing-a-troubling-health-risk-in-chinese-cities.

415 Jun Liu et al., »Estimating Adult Mortality Attributable to PM2.5 Exposure in China with Assimilated PM2.5 Concentrations Based on a Ground Monitoring Network«, Science ofthe Total Environment 568, Oktober 2016, S. 1253-1262, https://doi. org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.05.165.

416 Michelle Robertson, »It's Not Just Fog Turning the Sky Gray: SF Air Quality Is Three Times Worse than Beijing«, SF Gate, 23. August 2018.

417 Eine Twitter-Meldung aus dem Büro des Bürgermeisters im August 2018 lautete: »Die heutige Luftqualität ist offiziell als UNGESUND FÜR DIE GESAMTE BEVÖKE-RUNG eingestuft worden. Bleiben Sie im Haus, arbeiten Sie so wenig wie möglich draußen und lassen Sie das Auto stehen.«

418 Rachel Feltman, »Air Pollution in Delhi Is Literally off the Charts«, Populär Science, 8. November 2016.


419 Richard A. Muller und Elizabeth A. Muller, »Air Pollution and Cigarette Equi-valence«, Berkeley Earth, Siehe auch Durgesh Nandan Jha, »Pollution Causing Arthritis to Flare Up, 20 % Rise in Patients at Hospitals«, The Times oflndia, 11. November 2017

420 »Blinding Smog Causes 24-Vehicle Pile-up on Expressway near Delhi«, NDTV, 8. November 2017. Siehe auch Catherine Ngai, Jamie Freed und Henning Gloystein, »United Resumes Newark-Delhi Flights After Halt Due to Poor Air Quality«, Reuters, 12. November 2017, 142?il=0

421 Benjamin D. Hörne et al., »Short-Term Elevation of Fine Particulate Matter Air Pollution and Acute Lower Respiratory Infection«, American Journal of Respiratory and CriticalCare Mediane 198, Nr. 6, September 2018,

422 Pamela Das und Richard Horton, »Pollution, Health, and the Planet: Time for Decisive Action«, The Lancet 391, Nr. 10119, Oktober 2017, S. 407-408, https://doi. org/10.1016/S0140-6736(17)32588-6

423 Kuam Ken Lee et al., »Air Pollution and Stroke«, Journal of Stroke 20, Nr. 1, Januar 2018, S. 2-11, Zum Schlaganfall siehe auch R. D. Brook et al., »Particulate Matter Air Pollution and Cardiovascular Disease: An Update to the Scientific Statement from the American Heart Association«, Circulation 121, Nr. 21, Juni 2010, S. 2331-2378, Zu Krebserkrankungen siehe auch Kate Kelland und Stephanie Nebehay, »Air Pollution a Leading Cause of Cancer U. N. Agency«, Reuters, 17. Oktober 2013, article/us-cancer-pollution/air-pollution-a-leading-cause-of-cancer-u-n-agency-id USBRE99G0BB20131017. Zu Atemwegsbeschwerden siehe auch Michael Guarnieri und fohn R. Balmes, »Outdoor Air Pollution and Asthma«, The Lancet 383, Nr. 9928, Mai 2014, Zu Komplikationen in der Schwangerschaft siehe auch Jessica Glenza, »Millions of Premature Births Could Be Linked to Air Pollution, Study Finds«, The Guardian, 16. Februar 2017.

424 Nicole Wetsman, »Air Pollution Might Be the New Lead«, Populär Science, 5. April 2018. Zu ADHS siehe Oddvar Myhre et al., »Early Life Exposure to Air Pollution Particulate Matter (PM) as Risk Factor for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Need for Novel Strategies for Mechanisms and Causalities«, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 354, September 2018, S. 196-214, https://doi.Org/10.1016/j. taap.2018.03.015. Zu Autismus siehe Raanan Raz et al., »Autism Spectrum Disorder and Particulate Matter Air Pollution Before, During, and After Pregnancy: A Nested Case-Control Analysis Within the Nurses' Health Study II Cohort«, Environmental Health Perspectives 123, Nr. 3, März 2015, S. 264-270, ehp.l408133.


425 Sam Brockmeyer und Amedeo D'Angiulli, »How Air Pollution Alters Brain Development: The Role of Neuroinflammation«, Translational Neuroscience 7, März 2016, S. 24-30, Zu DNS-Deformationen siehe auch Frederica Perera et al., »Shorter Telomere Length in Cord Blood Associated with Pre-natal Air Pollution Exposure: Benefits of Intervention«, Environment International 113, April 2018, S. 335-340, https://doi.Org/10.1016/j.envint.2018.01.005

426 Weltgesundheitsorganisation, »WHO Global Urban Ambient Air Pollution Database«, 2016,

427 Health Effects Institute, »State of Global Air 2018: A Special Report on Global F.xposure to Air Pollution and lts Disease Bürden«, Boston, 2018, S. 3,

428 Aaron J. Cohen et al., »Estimates and 25-Year Trends of the Global Bürden of Disease Attributable to Ambient Air Pollution: An Analysis of Data from the Global Bürden of Diseases Study 2015«, The Lancet 389, Nr. 10082, Mai 2017, S. 1907-1918,

429 Pamela Das und Richard Horton, »Pollution, Health, and the Planet«, https://

430 Das Smithsonian-M&gazin bezeichnet ihn eher als »Müllsuppe«.

431 Imogen E. Napper und Richard C. Thompson, »Release of Synthetic Microplas-tic Fibres from Domestic Washing Machines: Effects of Fabric Type and Washing Con-ditions«, Marine Pollution Bulletin 112, Nr. 1-2, November 2016, S. 39-45, http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.09.025.

432 Kat Kerlin, »Plastic for Dinner: A Quarter of Fish Sold at Markets Contain Human-Made Debris«, UC Davis, 24. September 2015, plastic-dinner-quarter-fish-sold-markets-contain-human-made-debris.

433 Lisbeth Van Cauwenberghe und Colin R. Janssen, »Microplastics in Bivlaves Cultures for Human Consumption«, Environmental Pollution 193, Oktober 2014, S. 65-70, https://doi.Org/10.1016/j.envpol.2014.06.010.

434 Clive Cookson, »The Problem with Plastic: Can Our Oceans Survive?«, Financial Times, 23. Januar 2018.

435 Alina. M. Wieczorek et al., »Frequency of Microplastics in Mesopelagic Fishes from the Northwest Atlantic«, Frontiers in Marine Science, Februar 2018, https://doi. org/10.3389/fmars.2018.00039.

436 Jiana Lee et al., »Microplastics in Musseis Sampled from Coastal Waters and Supermarkets in the United Kingdom«, Environmental Pollution 241, Oktober 2018, S. 35-44, https://doi.Org/10.1016/j.envpol.2018.05.038.

437 Matthew S. Savoca et al., »Odours from Marine Plastic Debris Induce Food Search Behaviours in a Forage Fish«, Proceedings ofthe Royal Society B Biological Sciences 284, Nr. 1860, August 2017,

438 Amanda L. Dawson et al., »Turning Microplastics into Nanoplastics Through Digestive Fragmentation by Antarctic Krill«, Nature Communications 9, Nr. 1001, März 2018,


439 Courtney Humphries, »Freshwater's Macro Microplastic Problem«, Nova, 11. Mai 2017,

440 Cookson, »The Problem with Plastic«, 2018.

441 Ali Karami et al., »The Presence of Microplastics in Commercial Salts from Dif-ferent Countries«, Scientific Reports 7, Nr. 46173, April 2017, srep46173.

442 5 Gyres, Science to Solutions, »Take Action: Microbeads«, microbeads.

443 Johnny Gasperi et al., »Microplastics in Air: Are We Breathing It In?«, Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health 1, Februar 2018, S. 1-5, https://doi. org/10.1016/j.coesh.2017.10.002. Siehe auch Dan Morrison und Christopher Tyree, »Invisibles: The Plastic Inside Us«, Orb, 2017, plastics.

444 Weltwirtschaftsforum, The New Plastics Economy: Rethinking the Future of Plastics, Cologny, Schweiz, Januar 2016, S. 10.

445 Sarah-Jeanne Royer et al., »Production of Methane and Ethylene from Plastic in the Environment«, PLOS One 13, Nr. 8, August 2018, pone.0200574.

446 B. H. Samset et al., »Climate Impacts from a Removal of Anthropogenic Aerosol Emissions«, Geophysical Research Letters 45, Nr. 2, Januar 2018, S. 1020-1029, https://

447 Samset, »Climate Impacts from a Removal«, 2017GL076079. Samset selbst sagt: »Die Erderwärmung beträgt heute ungefähr ein Grad. Unser Artikel legt dar, dass der durch die Industrie und vom Menschen verursachte Aerosolausstoß ungefähr ein halbes Grad zusätzlichen Anstieg verdeckt.« Und weil sich die Wärme so ungleich über den Globus verteilt, fügt er hinzu, »gibt es zwei Modelle, in denen die Erwärmung aufgrund der Reduktion der Aerosole in der Arktis in manchen Bereichen vier Grad erreicht.«

448 P. J. Crutzen, »Albedo Enhancement by Stratospheric Sulfur Injections: A Con-tribution to Resolve a Policy Dilemma?«, Climatic Change77, 2006, S. 211-219, https://

449 Eric Holthaus, »Devil's Bargain«, Grist, 8. Februar 2018, geoengineering-climate-change-air-pollution-save-planet.

450 Diese Einschätzung zur Anzahl der Toten durch Luftverschmutzung stammt von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation.

451 Sebastian D. Eastham et al„ »Quantifying the Impact of Sulfate Geoengineering °n Mortality from Air Quality and UV-B Exposure«, Atmospheric Environment 187, A"gust 2018, S. 424-434, https://doi.Org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2018.05.047


452 Christopher H. Trisos et al., »Potentially Dangerous Consequences for Biodiver-sity of Solar Geoengineering Implementation and Termination«, Nature Ecology and Evolution 2, Januar 2018, S. 472-482,

453 Jonathan Proctor et al., »Estimating Global Agricultural Effects of Geoengineering Using Volcanic Eruptions«, Nature 560, August 2018, S. 480-483, https://doi. org/10.1038/s41586-018-0417-3



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454 Jasmin Fox-Skelly, »There Are Diseases Hidden in Ice, and They Are Waking Up«, BBC, 4. Mai 2017,

455 »NASA Finds Life at >Extremes<«, NASA, 24. Februar 2005, vision/earth/livingthings/extremophile 1 .html

456 Kay D. Bidle et al., »Fossil Genes and Microbes in the Oldest Ice on Earth«, Pro-ceedings ofthe National Academies of Science 104, Nr. 33, August 2007, S. 13455-13460,

457 Jordan Pearson, »Meet the Scientist Who Injected Himself with 3.5 Million-Year-Old Bacteria«, Motherboard, 9. Dezember 2015, en_us/article/yp3gg7/meet-the-scientist-who-injected-himself-with-35-million-year-old-bacteria

458 Mike McRae, »A Tiny Worm Frozen in Siberian Permafrost for 42 000 Years Was Just Brought Back to Life«, Science Alert, 27. Juli 2018,

459 Jeffery K. Taubenberger et al., »Discovery and Characterization ofthe 1918 Pan-demic Influenza Virus in Historical Context«, Antiviral Therapy 12,2007, S. 581-591

460 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, »Remembering the 1918 Influenza Pandemic«,; Jeffrey K. Taubenberger und David Morens, »1918 Influenza: The Mother of All Pandemics«, Emerging Infectious Diseases 12, Nr. 1, Januar 2006, S. 15-22, eidl201.050979. Siehe auch U.S. Census Bureau, »Historical Estimates of World Population«,

461 »Experts Warn of Threat of Born-Again Smallpox from Old Siberian Graveyards«, The Siberian Times, 12. August 2016, features/f0249-experts-warn-of-threat-of-born-again-smallpox-from-old-siberian-graveyards. Siehe auch Fox-Skelly, »There Are Diseases Hidden in Ice«. Siehe weiterhin Robinson Meyer, »The Zombie Diseases of Climate Change«, The Atlantic, 6. November 2017

462 Michaeleen Doucleff, »Anthrax Outbreak in Russia Thought to Be Result ot Thawing Permafrost«, NPR, 3. August 2016, 2016/08/03/488400947/anthrax-outbreak-in-russia-thought-to-be-result-of-thawing-permafrost


463  Weltgesundheitsorganisation, »Yellow Fever - Brazil«, 9. März 2018,

464 Shasta Darlington und Donald G. McNeil Jr., »Yellow Fever Circles Brazil's Huge Cities«, The New York Times, 8. März 2018. Siehe auch Weltgesundheitsorganisation, »Yellow Fever - Brazil«, 9. März 2018,

465 Weltgesundheitsorganisation, »Number of Malaria Deaths«, malaria/epidemic/deaths. Siehe auch Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, »Epidemiology«,

466 »Zika Microcephaly Linked to Single Mutation«, Nature, 3. Oktober 2017, 

467 Ling Yuan et al., »A Single Mutation in the prM Protein of Zika Virus Contribu-tes to Fetal Microcephaly«, Science 358, Nr. 6365, November 2017, S. 933-936, https://

468 Declan Butler, »Brazil Asks Whether Zika Acts Alone to Cause Birth Defects«, Nature, 25. Juli 2016,

469 Serie der Weltbankgruppe zu Klimawandel und Entwicklung, »Shock Waves: Managing the Impacts of Climate Change on Poverty«, Washington, D. C, 2016, S. 119, 806735.pdf

470 Mary Beth Pfeiffer, Lyme: The First Epidemie of Climate Change, Washington, D.C., Island Press, 2018, S. 3-13.

471 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, »Lyme and Other Tickborne Diseases«, html.

472 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, »Illnesses from Mosquito, Tick, and Flea Bites Increasing in the U.S.«, 1. Mai 2018, p0501-vs-vector-borne.html. Siehe auch Avichai Scher und Lauren Dünn, »>Citizen Scientists< Take On Growing Threat of Tick-B orne Diseases«, NBC News, 12. Juli 2018,

473 Center for Biological Diversity, »Saving the Midwestern Moose«,

474 Katie Burton, »Climate-Change Triggered Ticks Causing Rise in >Ghost Moose<«, Geographical, 27. November 2018,


475 Dennis Carroll et al., »The Global Virome Project«, Science 359, Nr. 6378, Februar 2018, S. 872-874,

476 Nathan Collins, »Stanford Study Indicates That More than 99 Percent of the Microbes Inside Us Are Unknown to Science«, Stanford News, 22. August 2017, https://

477 Ed Yong, »Why Did Two-Thirds of These Weird Antelope Suddenly Drop Dead?«, The Atlantic, 17. Januar 2018.

478 Richard A. Kock et al., »Saigas on the Brink: Multidisciplinary Analysis of the Factors Influencing Mass Mortality Events«, Science Advances 4, Nr. 1, Januar 2018,


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479 Eric Hobsbawm, Industrie und Empire: Britische Wirtschaftsgeschichte seit 1750, Frankfurt a.M., Suhrkamp, 1969, S. 55.

480 Solomon Hsiang et al., »Estimating Economic Damage from Climate Change in the United States«, Science 356, Nr. 6345, Juni 2017, S. 1362-1369, 10.1126/science.aal4369.

481 Marshall Burke et al., »Global Non-Linear Effect of Temperature on Economic Production«, Nature 527, Oktober 2015, S. 235-239, nature 15725.

482 Marshall Burke, »Economic Impact of Climate Change on the World«, http://

483 Thomas Stoerk et al., »Recommendations for Improving the Treatment of Risk and Uncertainty in Economic Estimates of Climate Impacts in the Sixth Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Assessment Report«, Review of Environmental Econo-mics andPolicy 12, Nr. 2, August 2018, S. 371-376,

484 Weltbank, »GDP Growth (Annual %)«, NY.GDP.MKTP.KD.ZG.

485 Burke, »Economic Impact of Climate Change«, climate/map.php.

486 Katharine Ricke et al., »Country-Level Social Cost of Carbon«, Nature Climate Change 8, September 2018, S. 895-900,

487 Weltbank, »South Asia's Hotspots: Impacts of Temperature and Precipitation Changes on Living Standards«, Washington, D. C, 2018, S. xi.

488 Serie der Weltbankgruppe zu Klimawandel und Entwicklung, »Shock Waves: Managing the Impacts of Climate Change on Poverty«, Washington, D.C., 2016, S. xi, 22787/9781464806735.pdf.

489 Union of Concerned Scientists, »Underwater: Rising Seas, Chronic Floods, and the Implications for U.S. Coastal Real Estate«, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2018, S. 5,


490 Union of Concerned Scientists, »New Study Finds 251 000 New Jersey Homes Worth $107 Billion Will Be at Risk from Tidal Flooding«, 18. Juni 2018, www.ucsusa. org/press/2018/new-study-finds-251000-new-jersey-homes-worth-107-billion-will-be-risk-tidal-flooding#.W-o 1 FehKg2x.

491 Zach Wichter, »Too Hot to Fly? Climate Change Make Take a Toll on Flying«, The New York Times, 20. Juni 2017.

492 Dirk Notz und Julienne Stroeve, »Observed Arctic Sea-Ice Loss Directly Follows Anthropogenic C02 Emission«, Science 354, Nr. 6313, November 2016, S. 747-750,

493 Olav Vilnes et al., »From Finland to Switzerland - Firms Cut Output Amidst Heatwave«, Montel News, 27. Juli 2018,

494 Jim Yardley und Gardiner Harris, »Second Day of Power Failures Cripples Wide Swath of India«, The New York Times, 31. Juli 2012.

495 Burke, »Global Non-Linear Effect of Temperature«, nature 15725; Interview des Autors mit Marshall Burke.

496 Weltbank, »South Asia's Hotspots«, 2018

497 Hsiang, »Estimating Economic Damage from Climate Change«, https://doi. org/10.1126/science.aal4369

498 Zhengtao Zhang et al., »Analysis of the Economic Ripple Effect of the United States on the World Due to Future Climate Change«, Earth's Future 6, Nr. 6, Juni 2018, S. 828-840,

499 The New Climate Economy, »Unlocking the Inclusive Growth Story of the 21st Century: Accelerating Climate Action in Urgent Times«, Washington, D.C., Global Commission on the Economy and Climate, September 2018, S. 8, https://

500 Marshall Burke et al., »Large Potential Reduction in Economic Damages Under UN. Mitigation Targets«, Nature 557, Mai 2018, S. 549-553, s41586-018-0071-9.


    2.11    Klimakonflikte   (a501-a522)   (s145-s152)   


501 Solomon M. Hsiang et al., »Quantifying the Influence of Climate on Human Conflict«, Science 341, Nr. 6151, September 2013, 1235367

502 Tamma A. Carleton und Solomon M. Hsiang, »Social and Economic Impacts of Climate«, Science 353, Nr. 6304, September 2016,! 126/science.aad9837

Siehe auch Marshall Burke et al., »Warming Increases the Risk of Civil War in Africa«, Proceedings ofthe National Academy of Sciences 106, Nr. 49, Dezember 2009, S. 20670-20674, Das entspricht einem Anstieg um 54 Prozent.


503  Union of Concerned Scientists, »The U.S. Military on the Front Lines of Rising Seas«, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2016,

504  »Wir zeigen, dass die nonlineare Interaktion zwischen dem Anstieg des Meeresspiegels und der Wellendynamik über den Riffs bei den aktuellen Treibhausgasemissionen bis zur Mitte des 21. Jahrhunderts zu einem jährlichen wellengetriebenen Überspülen der meisten Atollinseln führen wird. Diese jährliche Überflutung wird die Inseln durch die regelmäßigen Schäden an der Infrastruktur und die Tatsache, dass sich die Süßwasservorkommen zwischen den einzelnen Überflutungsereignissen nicht erholen können, unbewohnbar machen.« Curt D. Storlazzi et al., »Most Atolls Will Be Uninha-bitable by the Mid 21st Century Because of Sea-Level Rise Exacerbating Wave-Driven Flooding«, Science Advances 4, Nr. 4, April 2018, 9741.

505  Kim Wall, Coleen Jose und Jan Henrik Hinzel, »The Poison and the Tomb: One Family's Journey to Their Contaminated Home«, Mashable, 25. Februar 2018.

506  Katharina Nett und Lukas Rüttinger, »Insurgency, Terrorism and Organised Crime in a Warming Climate: Analysing the Links Between Climate Change and NonState Armed Croups«, Berlin, Adelphi, Oktober 2016.

507 Carl-Friedrich Schleussner et al., »Armed-Conflict Risks Enhanced by Climate-Related Disasters in Ethnically Fractionalized Countries«, Proceedings ofthe National Academy of Sciences 113, Nr. 33, August 2016, S. 9216-9221, pnas.1601611113.

508 Verisk Maplecroft, »Climate Change and Environmental Risk Atlas 2015«, Bath, Oktober 2014,

509 Christian Parenti, Im Wendekreis des Chaos: Klimawandel und die neue Geografie der Gewalt, Hamburg, Laika, 2013

510  Rafael Reuveny, »Climate Change-Induced Migration and Violent Conflict«, Political Geography 26, Nr. 6, August 2007, S. 656-673, https://doi.Org/10.1016/j.polgeo. 2007.05.001

511  Adrian Edwards, »Forced Displacement at Record 68.5 Million«, UNHCR, 19. Juni 2018, ment-record-685-million.html

512  William Wan, »Ancient Egypt's Rulers Mishandled Climate Disasters. Then the People Revolted«, The Washington Post, 17. Oktober 2017; H. M. Cullen et al., »Climate Change and the Collapse of the Akkadian Empire: Evidence from the Deep Sea«, Geo-logy 28, Nr. 4, April 2000, S. 379-382; Kyle Harper, »How Climate Change and Disease Helped the Fall of Rome«, Aeon, 15. Dezember 2017,



   12- »Systeme«     s152   


523 »In Photos: Climate Change, Disasters and Displacement«, UNHCR, 1. Januar 2015,

524 Emily Schmall und Frank Bajak, »FEMA Sees Trailers Only as Last Resort After Harvey, Irma«, Associated Press, 10. September 2017, 5b48808839fbc888e96fb7. Siehe auch Greg Allen, »Lessons from Hurricane Irma: When to Evacuate and When to Shelter in Place«, NPR, 1. Juni 2018, 2018/06/01 /615293318/lessons-from-hurricane-irma-when-to-evacuate-and-when-to-shelter-in-place

525 Andrew D. King und Luke J. Harrington, »The Inequality of Climate Change from 1.5 to 2°C of Global Warming«, Geophysical Research Letters 45, Nr. 10, Mai 2018, S. 5030-5033,

526 Ebd.

527 Katinka X. Ruthrof et al., »Subcontinental Heat Wave Triggers Terrestrial and Marine, Multi-Taxa Responses«, Scientific Reports 8, August 2018, S. 13094, https://doi. org/10.1038/s41598-018-31236-5

528 Australisches Parlament, »Implications of Climate Change for Australia's National Security, Final Report, Chapter 2«,; Ben Doherty, »Climate Change an >Existential Security Risk< to Australia, Senate Inquiry Says«, The Guardian, 17. Mai 2018

529 Weltbank, Groundswell: Preparingfor Internal Climate Migration, Washington, D.C., 2018, S. xix,

530 Internationale Organisation für Migration, »Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Assessing the Evidence«, Vereinte Nationen, Genf, 2009, S. 43

531 Frank C. Curriero et al., »The Association Between Extreme Precipitation and Waterborne Disease Outbreaks in the United States, 1948-1994«, American Journal of Public Health 91, Nr. 8, August 2001, https://doi.Org/10.2105/AJPH.91.8.1194

532 William R. Mac Kenzie et al., »A Massive Outbreak in Milwaukee of Crypto-sporidium Infection Transmitted Through the Public Water Supply«, The New England Journal of Mediane 331, Juli 1994, S. 161-167, 199407213310304


533  Thuan Q. Thai und Evangelos M. Falaris, »Child Schooling, Child Health and Rainfall Shocks: Evidence from Rural Vietnam«, Arbeitspapier des Max-Planck-Instituts, September 2011,

534  Santosh Kumar, Ramona Molitor und Sebastian Vollmer, »Children of Drought: Rainfall Shocks and Early Child Health in Rural India«, Arbeitspapier, 2014; Santosh Kumar und Sebastian Vollmer, »Drought and Early Childhood Health in Rural India«, Population and Development Review, 2016

535  R. K. Phalkey et al., »Systematic Review of Current Efforts to Quantify the Impacts of Climate Change on Undernutrition«, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, Nr. 33, August 2015, S. E4522-E4529, 1409769112; Charmian M. Bennett und Sharon Friel, »Impacts of Climate Change on Inequities in Child Health«, Children 1, Nr. 3, Dezember 2014, S. 461-473, https://doi. org/10.3390/childrenl030461; Iffat Ghani et al., »Climate Change and Its Impact on Nutritional Status and Health of Children«, British Journal of Applied Science and Technology 21, Nr. 2, 2017, S. 1-15,; Kristina Reinhardt und Jessica Fanzo, »Addressing Chronic Malnutrition Through Multi-Sectoral, Sustainable Approaches«, Frontiers in Nutrition 1, Nr. 13, August 2014, https://doi. org/10.3389/fnut.2014.00013

536  Ram Fishman et al„ »Long-Term Impacts of High Temperatures on Economic Productivity«, Arbeitspapier des Institute for International Economic Policy an der George Washington University, Oktober 2015, gwiwpaper/2015-18.htm

537  Adam Isen et al„ »Relationship Between Season of Birth, Temperature Exposure, and Later Life Well-Being«, Proceedings ofthe National Academy of Sciences 114, Nr. 51, Dezember 2017, S. 13447-13452,

538  C. R. Jung et al., »Ozone, Particulate Matter, and Newly-Diagnosed Alzheimers Disease«, Journal of Alzheimers Disease 44, Nr. 2, 2015, S. 573-584, 10.3233/JAD-140855

539  Emily Underwood, »The Polluted Brain«, Science 355, Nr. 6323, Januar 2017, S. 342-345,

540 Damian Carrington, »Want to Fight Climate Change? Have Fewer Children«, The Guardian, 12. Juli 2017

541 Maggie Astor, »No Children Because of Climate Change? Some People Are Considering It«, The New York Times, 5. Februar 2018

542 Janna Trombley et al., »Climate Change and Mental Health«, American Journal of Nursing 117, Nr. 4, April 2017, S. 44-52, 


543 M. Reacher et al., »Health Impacts of Flooding in Lewes«, Communicable Disease and Public Health 7, Nr. 1, März 2004, S. 39-46.

544 Mary Alice Mills et al., »Trauma and Stress Response Among Hurricane Katrina Evacuees«, American Journal of Public Health 97, April 2007, S. Sl 16-S123, https://doi. org/10.2105/AJPH.2006.086678.

545 Grant N. Marshall et al., »Psychiatric Disorders Among Adults Seeking Emer-gency Disaster Assistance After a Wildland-Urban Interface Fire«, Psychiatric Services 58, Nr. 4, April 2007, S. 509-514, https://doi.Org/10.1176/ps.2007.58.4.509.

546 Kevin J. Doyle und Lise Van Susteren, The Psychological Effects of Global Warming on the United States: And Why the U. S. Mental Health Care System Is Not Adequa-tely Prepared, Merrifield, Virginia, National Wildlife Federation, 2012, S. 19, www.nwf. org/~/media/PDFs/Global-Warming/Reports/Psych_Effects_Climate_Change_ Full_3_23.ashx.

547 Madeleine Thomas, »Climate Depression Is Real, Just Ask a Scientist«, Grist, 28. Oktober 2014,

548 Jordan Rosenfeld, »Facing Down Environmental Grief<«, Scientific American, 21. Juli 2016.

549 Ernesto Caffo und Carlotta Belaise, »Violence and Trauma: Evidence-Based Assessment and Intervention in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review«, in: The Mental Health of Children and Adolescents: An Area of Global Neglect, hg. von Helmut Remschmidt et al., West Sussex, Wiley, 2007, S. 141.

550 »PTSD: A Growing Epidemie«, NIHMedlinePlus 4, Nr. 1,2009, S. 10-14, https://

551 Armen K. Goenjian et al., »Posttraumatic Stress and Depressive Reactions Among Nicaraguan Adolescents After Hurricane Mitch«, American Journal ofPsychia-try 158, Nr. 5, Mai 2001, S. 788-794, https://doi.Org/10.l 176/appi.ajp. 158.5.788.

552 Haris Majeed und Jonathan Lee, »The Impact of Climate Change on Youth Depression and Mental Health«, The Lancet 1, Nr. 3, Juni 2017, S. E94-E95, https://

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554 Alana Hansen et al., »The Effect of Heat Waves on Mental Health in a Temperate Australian City«, Environmental Health Perspectives 116, Nr. 10, (Oktober 2008), S. 1369-1375,

555 Roni Shiloh et al., »A Significant Correlation Between Ward Temperature and the Severity of Symptoms in Schizophrenia Inpatients: A Longitudinal Study«, European Neuropsychopharmacology 17, Nr. 6-7, Mai-Juni 2007, S. 478-482, https://doi. org/10.1016/j.euroneuro.2006.12.001

556 Hansen, »The Effect of Heat Waves on Mental Health«, 

557 Marshall Burke et al., »Higher Temperatures Increase Suicide Rates in the United States and Mexico«, Nature Climate Change 8, Juli 2018, S. 723-729, 

558 Tamma Carleton, »Crop-Damaging Temperatures Increase Suicide Rates in India«, Proceedings ofthe National Academy of the Sciences 114, Nr. 33, August 2017, S. 8746-8751,





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